

You will upload your curriculum vitae and personal statement through your My推荐最近最火的赌博软件 account. You will receive an email prompting you do this. 住院医师顾问会审核你的C.V. and personal statement and make suggestions.

It is also wise to show your personal statement and C.V. to your letter of recommendation (LOR) writers. They may choose to include some of this information in their letter. 示例C的链接.V.s and personal statements are included on this page.


C.V. is one of the most important parts of your application to residency. It is a snapshot of your accomplishments and gives the applicant selection committees a better idea of who you are. Basically, "What have you been doing with yourself for the past few years?" You should invest enough time to make sure you are “selling yourself” to the best of your ability. 字母C.V. together helps you organize your thoughts about your college and medical school years, 哪种方法对面试有帮助. Make an effort to tailor the information to your specialty.

Some general rules to follow when writing curriculum vitae:

  1. 强调你的优势. 把它们放在字母C的开头.V.
  2. 要清晰、简洁、准确. 保持你的C.V. 两页以内.
  3. Make it pleasant to the eye and appealing. 组织是关键. You want it to attract the attention of your audience. The formatting will not survive in ERAS, but will make an impressive handout at interviews.
  4. 尽可能使用行动词汇
  5. 一般类别包括:
    Heading: Name, Address, Telephone number, Email address. (Include all addresses and phone numbers where you can be reached during the application and interview process.)
    Education: Medical School, Graduate School, and Undergraduate
    Optional information to include: language skills, licenses & 证书和军事信息
  6. Do not put "简历" at the top of the document. Whoever is reading it will know what it is.
  7. 三次检查你的拼写和语法. 倒着读!
  8. 在你的C中保持一致.V.
  9. Get objective feedback from your advisor, dean, friends, and family. 你要修改你的C.V. 很多次. 但从长远来看,这是值得的.



Many applicants spend a great deal of time working on and worrying about their personal statement. 然而,这可能是不必要的. Application selection committees do not expect personal statements to be literary masterpieces. They only expect you to emphasize your good qualities, 对自己的成就要诚实, 做你自己. Most personal statements are relatively similar in style and this traditional style is probably the easiest to use, unless you are an unusually gifted writer. It is acceptable to be general and your remarks can be tailored somewhat to the interest of the individual programs to which you are applying. To make the personal statement more relevant to the PGY-1 programs, you can simple add a sentence or two near the end of the statement about what you hope to gain from your PGY-1 experience.

You can create and upload to ERAS as many personal statements as you wish. This will allow you to tailor your personal statement to each program. 然而,这绝不是必要的. You may use the same personal statement for all programs. If you are applying for a PGY-2 specialty, you do not need to write a second and different personal statement slanted to your Preliminary program. They understand that you are simply "passing through" your internship on your way to the Specialty.

前ics to include in your personal statement:

  1. 专业选择的原因. You may wish to discuss a salient event that helped you choose your specialty, 如果有这样的事件.
  2. 你感兴趣的特产是什么?
  3. Skills and abilities you have which are valued by your specialty.
  4. Relevant experience (a balance of medical and personal examples), coursework, research activity.
  5. Personal and practice goals and objectives (long term, commitments). Many people like to talk about their long range goals in the specialty.
  6. Qualities you are seeking or desire in a residency program (some examples: outpatient care, 选课时间, 教学及研究机会).
  7. 你的独一无二. Personal interests, achievements, life experiences which make you unique. However, there is no need to reiterate everything that is in your curriculum vitae.


  1. 写清楚. Use simple rather than long and involved sentences. 改变句子的长度.
  2. Length: One or one and a half (double spaced) typewritten pages, 短, well-developed paragraphs (3 to 6 paragraphs).
  3. Skills and abilities you have which are valued by your specialty.
  4. 避免过度使用“我”. You should seldom, if ever, start your sentences with "I".
  5. Avoid mentioning lifestyle or monetary rewards as your major reason for choosing a specialty.
  6. Save your acting ability for the interview. 写作是为了被理解,而不是为了给人留下深刻印象.
  7. 以积极、“乐观”的陈述结束.
  8. Have someone critique your personal statement for grammar, spelling, and composition. 院长们会帮你的. (是的,你会写不止一次!)
  9. 修改和重写. Sharpen your skills; improvement is always possible.
  10. Avoid starting a paragraph about how you struggled through three years trying to figure out your chosen specialty. 每个人都有这样的经历.
